From Goa to Kathmandu on a Bullet Royal Enfield Machismo 500cc

/, India, Royal Enfield, Royal Enfield Bullet 500cc/From Goa to Kathmandu on a Bullet Royal Enfield Machismo 500cc

From Goa to Kathmandu on a Bullet Royal Enfield Machismo 500cc


Goa is a good place to find Royal Enfields for sale. Try Lucky’s Enfield Shop.

Royal Enfield for sale!


After our adventures in Goa we decided to go up north straight through India. I have never had a motorbike. When I was 17 years old I had a Kreidler, a 50 cc bike that we can drive in the Netherlands without a drivers licence. I had it for 2 years and have never driven again but 4 lessons at a motor driverslicence school…. So we decided to buy the big Royal Enfield, the 500 CC. We were with 2 with two backpacks and kitchen utensils. I had a high backrest made, got a Ladakh Rack with some custom made boxes. I changed the headlight for a big light, installed a loud horn and legprotection.

Royal Enfield for sale

After more than a year travelling on a Royal Enfield Machismo 500cc it is now for sale. Check it out.

Travelling by motorbike in India is a great experience. I have seen India as very few have seen it. Haveing an Enfield gets you in the nicest places with cheap guesthouses and local restaurants. Sometimes I could stay for free with local families…

2017-05-14T02:01:04+00:00 April 24th, 2016|Blog, India, Royal Enfield, Royal Enfield Bullet 500cc|

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