

Raxaul to Lucknow and Rishikesh on a Royal Enfield

2017-05-14T10:44:15+00:00 April 20th, 2017|Blog, India, Nepal, Royal Enfield, Royal Enfield Bullet 500cc|

LEAVING NEPAL THROUGH RAXAUL AND HEADING FOR RISHIKESH FROM RAXAUL TO LUCKNOW AND UP The route from Roxaul to Lucknow is best taken through Motihari and then take the NH27 highway. The new highways in India are great. They are new, wide and empty. They are empty because cars [...]

Leaving Nepal after one year

2017-05-14T01:58:59+00:00 April 10th, 2017|Blog, India, Nepal, Royal Enfield, Royal Enfield Bullet 500cc, Uncategorized|

ON A ROYAL ENFIELD 500 CC PAYING TAXES IN NEPAL? I have been in Nepal for exactly one year. Having had a tourist visa, one month extension and half a year business visa, I had to leave. It has been a touch year. As beautiful Nepal is I have [...]

Nieuwe start in Nepal

2017-05-14T01:17:53+00:00 July 5th, 2016|Nepal|

Export direct vanuit Nepal We zijn een nieuw bedrijfje begonnen in Nepal. Shop Around the World with Lots of Love. We zijn bezig met een webshop voor de groothandel en de particulier. We gaan handgemaakte producten verkopen van verschillende fabriekjes in Nepal. Vilt en papier producten. Daarnaast nog Tibetaanse kastjes en Thangka’s. Vilt handgemaakte dieren. [...]

Crossing Nepal border with a Royal Enfield

2017-04-21T07:28:47+00:00 April 30th, 2016|India, Nepal, Royal Enfield, Royal Enfield Bullet 500cc|

ENTERING NEPAL WITH A ROYAL ENFIELD 500 CC NOTHING CAN STOP A BULLET.  PAYING TAXES IN NEPAL? We arrived at the Nepal border in Raxaul. We came from Varanasi where we stayed a few nights. The road from Varanasi to the Nepali border is bad. I don’t know if [...]


2017-04-21T13:28:04+00:00 April 17th, 2016|Blog, Ilse, Nepal|

My last weeks in Nepal were very intense and emotional. A lot of things happened. Nepal let me feel gratitude for everything, the nice and the less nice things. Fully being grateful for every moment is powerful. It gives an enormous power of love through your whole system.  Anyway, I’m very grateful for [...]

The last days of our bike trip to Nepal

2017-04-21T13:50:02+00:00 March 26th, 2016|Blog, Ilse, India, Nepal, Royal Enfield, Royal Enfield Bullet 500cc|

ILSE SHARING HER EXPERIENCE ON AN ENFIELD THROUGH INDIA NOTHING CAN STOP A BULLET.  March 15, 2016 The last part of our trip to Nepal has been started, just 2 or 3 more days to go. The first part this day we had very good roads, so that was [...]