

Hot water springs in Kullu Manali Valley

2017-05-23T11:32:25+00:00 May 23rd, 2017|Around the World Productions, Blog, India, Kullu Valley, Manali, Royal Enfield, Travel spots, Vashisht, Video|

HOT WATER SPRINGS AND BATHS IN KULLU MANALI VALLEY HEALTHY WATER FROM THE HOT WATER SPRINGS There are many hot water springs in Kullu Manali Valley. The most famous ones are in Vashisht, Manikaran, Tattapani, Khirganga and Kasol. I stayed in Chindi for one night where they [...]

Visiting the small village Majhach

2017-05-21T03:03:56+00:00 May 21st, 2017|Blog, India, Kullu Valley, Manali, Travel spots, Vashisht|

ON A ROYAL ENFIELD TO MAJHACH ANCIENT VILLAGE MAJHACH Majhach is a very small village on the hills of Kullu Valley. Just past Manali and opposite Vashisht you can reach it walking or riding a touch track up the hill. There are no guesthouses and I have [...]