I had the gearbox opened a few times. The gearbox is made of aluminium and is quit vulnerable. Many roads in India and Nepal are closer to ‘off-road’ than road. Sometimes a stone gets thrown against the bottom of the gearbox or when you drive through some deep holes at the bike can hit a rock and it can make a dent and small holes. I had it aluminium welded three times and have a package of two component sealer with me for emergencies. You just have to clean the aluminium, mix the two components and plaster it over the dent. Make it smooth and wait for 30-40 minutes for it to get hard.
When these guys open up the gearbox they will not always decide to replace the gearbox sealing paper. I always see to it they replace it to avoid leaking. When you look inside the gearbox you notice the power generator and the pressure plate. Behind the pressure plate there are the gear plates. When you don’t switch gears when you slow down these plates get damaged like on the picture. Replacing them is not very costly.
When you hear the gearbox making a metal sound it means you have to refill the oil and check if you have a leak.
Never use Royal Enfield copy parts. They will have the problem return back again and again.

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