I will go through some of the things you will encounter when you have a Royal Enfield. After 18 month driving through India and Nepal with a Machismo I gained some experience with the bike and had a lot of maintenance. Simple things like keeping your back brake tight to refilling the oil in your front suspension. I fixed a few boxes on the bike where I keep some tools and spare parts. It’s quit a test for your patience if you are waiting for a spare tube in the middle of a desert because the puncture shop doesn’t have one in stock.
It has been a great adventure to ride a Royal Enfield through India. I love the bike, India and the freedom I experience every day on the motorbike.
I started from Goa with my girlfriend. I had six weeks to test the bike before we would go touring through India. We bought the bike at Lucky’s in Arambol. There were not many 500 cc Royal Enfields and we concluded we needed a big bike for the two of us. Two big backpacks that held our complete lives since we left the Netherlands without a plan when to come back. I made a backrest for her so she could sit comfortably during the long ride, installed a Ladakh Rack, ordered some boxes in the right size for on the back, bought tools and rope to fill them.
I changed the light into a big light; the standard light is not bright enough in the night. The lights of the cars and trucks blind you completely and the new light made me still see the road. Also a loud car horn replaced the stupid beep of the standard horn of the Enfield. It has proven very handy in turns in the road and on the roads while it is said it is illegal. Never had any problem with it although I tend not to use it too much in populated area’s.

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